Jeremy R. Werner, L.Ac., CST, Spiritual Medium
As a child, I had a passion for play, imagination, Nature, Native American traditions, learning and people. My passion eventually grew into academic studies in math, physics and French at Brown University, from where I received my Bachelor of Science in 1994. During my junior year, I studied abroad in France and received the Licence de Physique from the University of Nice. This experience opened me to a new culture and perspective that transformed my vision of the world and ultimately myself.
I thought I would complete a Ph.D. in Physics at UCLA, however after significant soul searching, I changed directions completely. I pursued international fashion modeling for a few years, worked for Barry Manilow’s manager to create and direct a non-profit organization for the fan club and soon found myself working in billing for a private chiropractic practice. Not knowing exactly where I was going, I began a personal healing journey in 1998 that led to yoga, meditation, Reiki and Oriental medical school. I was searching for more in my life, something that would help me to understand who I was and what my life purpose was.
I went on to graduate from Emperor’s College in 2002 with my Masters in Traditional Oriental Medicine and began my acupuncture practice in Beverly Hills, California in 2003. I also received certification in CranioSacral Therapy in 2006 and have received additional certifications in various healing modalities, including Clairvoyant Aura Reading, Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Akashic Record Reading, Astrology,
Universal White Time Healing and the Board of Knowledge.
After many years in private practice, I began my study of mediumship. In 2017, I received a call from a potential client who asked me if I could communicate with those who had passed. "I can do this," I thought, based on previous contact during other types of readings and healing work. While that client never came to me for services, that moment inspired me to step more fully into the Spirit World. It wasn't until years later in meditation with my Guides that they told me that they were the ones who put that thought into my mind!
I recognized that I had been called by Spirit.
As I continued my studies, read books and took online courses with various mediums, including Gordon Smith, Martin Twycross and Suzanne Giesemann, I suspected that mediumship would not fully open for me until the death of my mother, who had been dealing with cancer for many years. She died in 2022, and 8 months later, my practice of mediumship blossomed and catalyzed an important healing journey that I will be on for the rest of my life... and beyond.
Now, I am offering mediumship services and classes to support others who have heard the call of Spirit and are ready to respond. I share what I have learned to help others open their Hearts and find their inner truth, to discover themselves in miraculous ways and to bring love, compassion and caring to humanity.
Thank you for listening to your own Heart and to the whispers of Spirit. May you be forever blessed on the path!

In Loving Memory of
Barbara H. Werner
1940 - 2022